2024 Parts Unlimited Snow

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2024 FUEL/AIR SYSTEMS PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM SNOW | 2024 639 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL POLARIS Single license 1020-4004 $256.66 5-pk. of licenses 1020-4005 256.66 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL YAMAHA Single license 1020-4006 $256.66 5-pk. of licenses 1020-4007 256.66 POWER VISION 3 TUNE LICENSES • Unlock the true potential of the Dynojet Power Vision 3 • Enables you to tune the original vehicle, as well as one additional bike • Power Vision 3 device will remember each license that is applied, essentially multiplying the power of your device • Each license is vehicle specific, not device specific, allowing you to load a Tune License onto any number of Power Vision 3 units you have • Perfect for dealers, as well as enthusiasts and families who have multiple vehicles to maintain • Sold to dealer as packs, consumer as each 1020-4004 POWER COMMANDER FC FOR POLARIS •Plug-n-play fuel management device pre-programmed with make/​model specific maps •Use OEM-style connectors and high-quality wiring harnesses • Small, lightweight, and easy to fit on your snowmobile •Fully adjustable computer capatibility for ultimate tuning and personalization • Software is compatible with Power Commander, so you can download Power Commander maps to the unit •Integrated O2 optimizer where applicable •Made in the U.S.A. FITS MODEL PART # SUG. RETAIL 600 CFI 2 10-19 1020-2335 $315.54 600 CFI 2+2 10-19 1020-2335 315.54 FITS MODEL PART # SUG. RETAIL 800 CFI 2 11-16 1020-2335 $315.54 600 CFI 4 07-14 1020-2336 315.54 FITS MODEL PART # SUG. RETAIL 700 CFI 4 07-08 1020-2336 $315.54 800 CFI 4 08-10 1020-2336 315.54 PART # SUG. RETAIL 1020-3166 $502.21 POWER VISION 3 FOR SKI-DOO ACE TURBO 900 19-22 •Flash performance tunes via OEM diagnostic connector, no need to remove and send out ECU •Display vehicle data channels in real-time •Weather-resistant for use in all conditions • High-contrast display, viewable in direct sunlight •Made in the U.S.A. NOTE: All Power Vision returns and/or adjustments must be made directly with Dynojet Research.