2024 Parts Unlimited Helmet & Apparel

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2024 PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM 2024 | HELMET & APPAREL MERCHANDISING 1168 DESCRIPTION PART # (A) Single display (Barstow) 9904-1172 (B) Single display 9903-0403 DESCRIPTION PART # (C) Shelf 9904-1227 (D) 48” graphic box display 9904-1232 100% GOGGLE DISPLAYS •Eye-catching displays to strategically place throughout your store to help increase sales •Single display can sit on a shelf or slatwall and holds one pair of goggles • 12-piece countertop display measures 19”W x 15” H x 15” D and holds one pair of goggles out of the box • 56-piece floor displays measure 17”W x 74” H x 22” D and hold one or two pairs of goggles out of the box •Ask your rep how you can get these displays at no charge B A C D