2023 Parts Unlimited Watercraft

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM 2023 | WATERCRAFT TRANSPORT & TRAILER 246 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (A) Red TD00100 $26.95 (B) Blue TD00200 26.95 (C) Black TD00300 26.95 HEAVY-DUTY CAM BUCKLE TIE-DOWNS WITH BUILT-IN ASSIST •1 1/2” W x 6’ L with built-in assist • Webbing is rated at 5,000-lb. strength •Nonslip cam buckles are made of strong cast aluminum with twice the strength of foreign buckles to promote longer life for the tie-down •Hooks are 3/8” in diameter and rated at 1,200-lb. strength • 600-lb. working load limit •Full vinyl coating to protect chrome and paint • Available in red, blue or black •Packaged and sold in pairs A B C COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (D) Black 3920-0077 $24.95 (E) Blue 3920-0079 24.95 HEAVY-DUTY CAM BUCKLE TIE-DOWNS •1 1/2” x 6’ webbing is rated at 5,000-lb. strength •Nonslip cam buckles are made of strong cast aluminum •Hooks are 3/8” in diameter and rated at 1,200 lb. strength • 600-lb. working load limit •Full vinyl coating to protect chrome and paint •Packaged and sold in pairs D E COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (F) Black 3920-0080 $26.95 (G) Red 3920-0081 26.95 (H) Blue 3920-0082 26.95 HEAVY-DUTY RATCHETING TIE-DOWNS •1 1/2” x 6’ webbing is rated at 5,000-lb. strength •Ratcheting for easy cinching •Vinyl-coated hooks rated at 1,200-lb. straight pull strength • 1000-lb. working load limit • Available in black, red or blue; packaged and sold each F G H COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (I) Black 3920-0071 $24.95 (J) Red 3920-0072 24.95 (K) Blue 3920-0073 24.95 HEAVY-DUTY CAM BUCKLE TIE-DOWNS WITH BUILT-IN ASSIST • 1” nylon web strap, 66” long heavy-duty with built-in assist; rated at more than 1,200-lb. straight pull strength • 400-lb. working load limit •Cam action buckle • Vinyl-coated 3/8” hooks •Easy operation with maximum holding power •Packaged and sold in pairs I J K R S T U V O P Q M L N COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (L) Red 3920-0422 $23.95 (M) Blue 3920-0423 23.95 (N) Black 3920-0424 23.95 HEAVY-DUTY 7’ CAM BUCKLE TIE-DOWNS • 1” nylon web strap, 84” long heavy-duty; rated at more than 1,200-lb. straight pull strength •Feature a cam action buckle with maximum holding power • 400-lb. working load limit • Vinyl-coated 3/8” heavy-duty hooks •Easy operation with large hand loop for pulling tight •Packaged and sold in pairs COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (O) Black 3920-0074 $21.95 (P) Red 3920-0075 21.95 (Q) Blue 3920-0076 21.95 HEAVY-DUTY RATCHETING TIE-DOWNS WITH BUILT-IN ASSIST • 1” nylon web strap, 6’ long with built-in assist; rated at more than 1,200-lb. straight pull strength • 400-lb. working load limit •Ratchet for easy cinching • Vinyl-coated 3/8” hooks • Available in black, red or blue; packaged and sold each COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (R) Black 131022 $19.95 (S) Red 131021 19.95 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (T) Blue 131023 $19.95 HEAVY-DUTY RATCHETING TIE-DOWNS • 1” nylon web strap, 6’ long, rated at 1,500-lb. straight pull strength •Ratchet for easy cinching • Vinyl-coated 3/8” hooks rated at 1,200-lb. • 400-lb. working load limit • Available in red, black or blue; packaged and sold each COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (U) Black 3920-0083 $8.95 (V) Red 3920-0084 8.95 TIE-DOWN EXTENSIONS •1 1/2” wide x 18” long looped nylon straps •Use to extend tie-down reach or for added protection of handlebars, seat rails, etc. • 3,000-lb. assembly strength •Sold in pairs