2023 Parts Unlimited Watercraft

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM 2023 | WATERCRAFT ELECTRICAL 208 PART # SUG. RETAIL 3807-0217 $7.95 18 AWG CABLE LEAD EXTENSION CABLE DUAL FUNCTION CHARGING/A​ CCESSORY LEAD • 5’ L DC charging/​power lead extension lets you extend your standard SAE DC charging or power lead • Can combine cables to create 10’, 15’ L or longer extensions as needed • Avoid the bulk of a 25’ extension cable if not needed PART # SUG. RETAIL 3807-0150 $14.95 12V POCKET BATTERY TESTER •The perfect size 12V battery tester for a technician’s pocket or tankbag, saddlebag or glove box •Easy-to-read rainbow meter indicates percentage of battery charge and good/​ bad alternator voltage range •Use with probes to test a battery in a vehicle, or remove the black (negative) cable from the fixed location for on-battery terminal testing at a counter or bench PART # SUG. RETAIL 3807-0151 $79.95 12V AUTOMATIC BATTERY LOAD AND SYSTEM TESTER •True battery resistance tester that applies a resistance load that duplicates starting load conditions •Resistance load is auto-timed for increased accuracy • Unique “test and hold” feature locks the under load voltage reading for easy comparison to the pass/​fail test matrix • Maximum starting resistance load: up to 400 CCA, 0-15V •Can also be used to test starter draw and charging system voltage using the open-circuit voltage meter function with the high-lownormal voltage matrix on the tester face •Includes safety reverse polarity indication •Built-in wall hanger BR9EIX PART # SUG. RETAIL R6918C-9 $43.95 RACING SPARK PLUG FOR KAWASAKI •Features include high alumina ceramics for improved heat dissipation and electrical insulation, deep-seated copper core for a wider heat range and a nickel alloy tip for longer life •Reinforced ground electrode •For Ultra 150 1200cc SPARK PLUGS •Superior construction for serious power •NGK makes plugs for almost every application and riding style •Versatile plugs with wide operating heat ranges prevent fouling from running too cool and preignition from running too hot •Feature high alumina ceramics for improved heat dissipation and electrical insulation, deep-seated copper core for a wider heat range and a nickel alloy tip for longer life BR8ES CR9EB IRIDIUM IX SPARK PLUGS •The ultimate in the evolution of spark plug technology and performance from the industry leader •The iridium electrode is 25% smaller than a platinum electrode and it’s just ¼ the size of a conventional nickel electrode •Ultra-small diameter center electrode reduces voltage requirement and extends ignition system life •Metal shell plating has enhanced anticorrosion qualities PART # PLUG # THREAD REACH SUG. RETAIL IRIDIUM BPR7EIX BPR7EIX 14mm 3/4" $10.95 BR7EIX BR7EIX 14mm 3/4" 10.95 BR7HIX BR7HIX 14mm 3/4" 10.95 BR8EIX BR8EIX 14mm 3/4" 10.95 BR8EIXSOLID BR8EIXSOLID 14mm 3/4" 10.95 BR8HIX BR8HIX 14mm 1/2" 10.95 BR9EIX BR9EIX 14mm 3/4" 10.95 PART # PLUG # THREAD REACH SUG. RETAIL IRIDIUM (CONT) BR9EIXSOLID BR9EIXSOLID 14mm 3/4" $10.95 BR9HIX BR9HIX 14mm 3/4" 10.95 2103-0393 CR7EIA-9 10mm 3/4" 12.95 CR9EIX CR9EIX 14mm 3/4" 10.95 DPR9EIX-9 DPR9EIX-9 12mm 3/4" 10.95 IRIDIUM PLATINUM 2103-0011 IMR9D-9H 14mm 3/4" 17.95 PART # THREAD REACH SUG. RETAIL B7HS 14mm 1/2" $3.95 2103-0512 14mm 3/4" 3.95 2103-0513 14mm 3/4" 3.95 2103-0389 12mm 3/4" 8.95 2103-0396 12mm 3/4" 8.95 2103-0554 10mm 3/4" 7.95 PART # PLUG # THREAD REACH SUG. RETAIL CR9EK CR9EK 10mm 3/4" $10.95 DCPR8E DCPR8E 12mm 3/4" 4.95 2103-0132 LFR6A 14mm 26.5mm 8.95 2103-0223 LFR7A 14mm 26.5mm 8.95 2103-00661 PMR9B 10mm 3/4" 20.95 1 Platinum plug. STANDARD SPECIAL DESIGN