2023 Parts Unlimited Street

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 2023 NEW PRODUCTS PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM STREET | 2023 NP34 EXTENDED-STYLE LUGGAGE RACK FLAG MOUNTS WITH FLAG • High-quality solid 303 stainless steel with a PTFE finish • Fit 1/2" or 5/8" horizontal round bars commonly found on the Tour Pack luggage rack or detachable Air Wing rack • Mounts extend outward from racks to make a little more room for bags • 9" or 13" pole with standard cone topper • Choice of 6" x 9" or 10" x 15" American flag • Sold each • Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 5/8" EXTENDED STYLE ROUND BAR LUGGAGE RACK MOUNTS PTFE w/ 6" x 9" flag 0521-1971 $84.95 PTFE w/ 10" x 15" flag 0521-1972 99.95 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 1/2" EXTENDED STYLE ROUND BAR LUGGAGE RACK MOUNTS PTFE w/ 6" x 9" flag 0521-1983 $79.95 SIDE MOUNT SISSY BAR FLAG MOUNTS WITH FLAG • Polished 304 stainless steel with a PTFE coated mount bolts directly to the square 1/2” round sissy bars • Mount, as well as pole, can be easily detached via a small setscrew • Includes an American flag • Other flags also available; sold separately • Available with 6" x 9" or 10" x 15" flag • Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL PTFE W/ 6" x 9" flag 0521-1979 $79.95 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL PTFE W/ 10" x 15" flag 0521-1980 $94.95 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL FOR 1/2" SQUARE SISSY BARS PTFE W/ 6" x 9" flag 0521-1981 $79.95 PTFE W/ 10" x 15" flag 0521-1982 94.95 0521-1971 0521-1983 0521-1959 0521-1963 0521-1979 0521-1982 SADDLEBAG BAR FLAG MOUNTS WITH FLAG • Polished black Teflon mounts attach to 3/4" saddlebag bars; will not crack chrome on bag bar • Features a strong bore fitting • Includes an American flag; other flags also available; sold separately • Replacement 3/8" diameter stainless steel pole in interchangeable with all Pro Pad mounts • Available with 6" x 9" flag or 10" x 15" flag • Made in the U.S.A. DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL w/ 6" x 9" flag 0521-1959 $84.95 3/4" BAR FIXED UPRIGHT MOUNT w/ 10" x 15" flag 0521-1960 99.95 7/8" BAR FIXED UPRIGHT MOUNT w/ 6" x 9" flag 0521-1961 84.95 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL 1/2" BAR FIXED UPRIGHT MOUNT w/ 6" x 9" flag 0521-1962 $84.95 w/ 10" x 15" flag 0521-1963 99.95 SQUARE SISSY BAR RACK FLAG MOUNTS WITH FLAG • Polished 304 stainless steel with a PTFE coated mount bolts directly to a square 5/8" sissy bar • Mount, as well as pole, can be easily detached via a small setscrew • Includes an American flag • Other flags also available; sold separately • Available with 6" x 9" or 10" x 15" flag • Made in the U.S.A.