BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 GENERAL ACCESSORIES PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM STREET | 2023 253 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL FOR 7/8”OR 1” ROUND BARS Chrome 0636-0164 $90.99 Black 0636-0165 90.99 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL FOR 11/4” ROUND BARS Chrome 0636-0166 $90.99 Black 0636-0167 90.99 BIG ASS™ DRINK HOLDERS WITH ALUMINUM CLAMP MOUNT • Works with 30 oz. tumblers and other large bottles and cups • Made from durable neoprene rubber that is weatherproof and won’t deteriorate in sun or elements • Rubber molded net is designed to securely grip your container • Easily removed with ball mounting system • Cup holder and clamp available in matching chrome or black finish MIRROR MOUNT FITS MODEL HONDA Left or right side on all models (except Gold Wing GL1800 and F6B) KAWASAKI Clutch side only, all models 14-20 Left side only for all models (except Vulcan 900/1700/ 2000, 1700 Voyager,Vaquero) FITS MODEL KAWASAKI (CONT) Left or right side on Vulcan 900/2000 models Left or right side on 1700 Vulcan,Voyager,Vaquero SUZUKI Left side on all models FITS MODEL VICTORY Left or rights side on all models (except Vision) YAMAHA Left side on all models (excluding Royal Star) Left or right side on Venture, Roadliner, Stratoliner and Raider PERCH MOUNT FITS MODEL BMW F750 GS 19-21 F850 GS/ADV 19-21 R nineT 16-22 R1200 GS 13-18 R1200 GS ADV 14-18 R1200 R 15-18 R1200 RS 16-18 R1200 RT 14-18 R1250 GS/ADV 19-21 FITS MODEL BMW (CONT) R1250 R/RS/RT 19-21 DUCATI Scrambler models 15-22 HONDA F6B (all) Shadow Ace/Spirit 14-22 Shadow 750 Aero 14-22 Shadow 1100 20-22 VTX1300/1800 (all) FITS MODEL HONDA (CONT) GL1500 Gold Wing (01-17) GL1500 Valkyrie 14-20 GL1800 Gold Wing 18-22 (brake side only w/ DCT or CB switch) KAWASAKI Vulcan 900 (all) Vulcan 1500/1600 (inc. Mean Streak) (all) Vulcan 2000 (all) FITS MODEL SUZUKI Boulevard M/C50/C90/M109 (all) VICTORY Octane 17 (brake side only) YAMAHA Bolt/Stryker (all) Road Star/Warrior (all) V-Star/Venture (all) DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL No mount, chrome 0636-0017 $49.99 No mount, black 0636-0092 49.99 W/ mount to fit clutch or brake perch, chrome 0636-0019 74.99 W/ mount to fit clutch or brake perch, black 0636-0082 74.99 W/ mount to fit clutch or brake perch, black/chrome 0636-0020 74.99 W/ 7/8” and 1” handlebar mount, chrome 0636-0021 74.99 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL W/ 7/8” and 1” handlebar mount, black 0636-0084 $74.99 W/ 7/8” and 1” handlebar mount, black/chrome 0636-0022 74.99 W/ 11/4” handlebar mount, chrome 0636-0023 74.99 W/ 11/4” handlebar mount, black 0636-0086 74.99 W/ 11/4” handlebar mount, black/chrome 0636-0024 74.99 W/ Mirror mount for all models without hydraulic clutch reservoirs (except fairing-mounted mirror models), black 0636-0025 74.99 DRINK HOLDERS • Hold virtually any can, bottle or cup secure with a contoured rubber net • Infinite adjustment with a Ciro ball-mount design • Rubber-lined ring keeps your can or bottle from vibrating • Soft rubber net won’t scratch if it comes in contact with paint • Perch mount will fit most models with 6mm clamp screws with spacing of 11/16” to 111/16” 0636-0167 0636-0164 0636-0017 0636-0019 0636-0022