2023 Parts Unlimited ATV & UTV

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM 2023 | ATV/UTV HANDLEBARS & CONTROLS 316 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (A) Red 0630-1913 $19.99 (B) Blue 0630-1914 19.99 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (C) Green 0630-1915 $19.99 (D) Orange 0630-1916 19.99 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (E) Yellow 0630-1917 $19.99 FUSION 2.0 GRIPS • Dual-compound ATV grips with Fusion Bonding System, which eliminates the need for grip glue and grip wire • The ergonomic "wave" on the flange of the grip reduces pressure points between the rider's thumb and the grip flange • Grip design greatly reduces heat and pressure, which reduces blistering and increases rider comfort • The included Fusion Bonding System consists of two Fusion bonding strips and one Fusion spray catalyst bottle • Easy to install: clean your handlebar, apply the included bonding strips, shake and spray the included catalyst to the exposed bonding strips, quickly apply grips and you're done • At first the catalyst acts as a lubricant for easy grip installation, but after it dries it creates a lasting bond • For 7/8" handlebars and twist throttles; 115mm L • Sold in pairs E D C B A COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (F) Black 0630-1103 $10.95 (G) Blue 0630-1104 10.95 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (H) Red 0630-1105 $10.95 (I) Soft gray 0630-2533 10.95 ATV ROGUE SINGLE-PLY GRIPS • Designed for comfort and control by utilizing large raised pads to dampen vibrations • Deep grooved channels prevent mud and water from packing up • Closed end for added protection in the event of a crash •3/4 flange eliminates cutting and provides access to thumb throttle • Fit 7/8" bars; 130mm length • Made in the U.S.A. F G H I COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (J) Black 0630-1108 $10.95 (K) Blue 0630-1109 10.95 COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL (L) Red 0630-1110 $10.95 (M) Soft gray 0630-2534 10.95 ATV RUFFIAN SINGLE-PLY GRIPS • Designed for ultimate traction by utilizing a small knurled pattern for grip • Slim design improves feel and reaction of the machine underneath you • Closed end for added protection in the event of a crash •3/4 flange eliminates cutting and provides access to thumb throttle • Fit 7/8" bars; 130mm L • Made in the U.S.A. J K L M