2023 Parts Unlimited ATV & UTV

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM 2023 | ATV/UTV HARDWARE & MERCHANDISING 1304 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL M.U.D. track banner (36” x 84”) 9904-0985 $49.95 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL M.U.D. shop banner (23” x 47”) 9904-0986 $16.95 BANNERS • Make the customer notice your Moose Utility Division products • Sold each DESCRIPTION SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL Track banner, black 7’ 9905-0066 $18.95 DESCRIPTION SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL Shop banner, black 4’ 9905-0065 $10.95 BANNERS TRACK BANNER • Made from durable 10 oz vinyl • Great outdoor visibility • Brass grommets for easy attachment to walls, canopies, fences, pits or show booths • Dimensions: 36” H x 84” L • Made in the U.S.A. PART # SUG. RETAIL 9501-0215 $78.95 MOOSE RACING PIT MAT • The mats are designed to not only dress up your pit area but are also environmentally friendly • The bike mats absorb up to 6 liters of fluid like radiator coolant along with other solvent-based products that can harm the environment by containing within the mat • Not only lightweight but can be easily washed and reused • Measures: 311/2”W x 783/4” DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL M.U.D. 9905-0099 $39.95 SMALL PIT MAT • Environmentally friendly pit mats • Bike mats can absorb up to 6 liters of fluid like radiator coolant, oil, and any other solvent-based products that can harm the environment, by being contained within the mat, or help absorb mud and water • Not only are they lightweight, but can easily be washed and reused • Measures: 31” x 39” SHOP BANNER • Made from durable 10 oz. vinyl • Works great in and outdoors • Brass grommets for easy attachment to walls, canopies, fences, pits or show booths • Dimensions: 23” H x 47” L • Made in the U.S.A. 9904-0985 9904-0986 9905-0065 9905-0066