2023 Parts Unlimited ATV & UTV

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM 2023 | ATV/UTV LIGHTING 1278 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL Three-position switch (on/​off/​auto) 2050-0205 $19.99 DESCRIPTION PART # SUG. RETAIL Two-position switch (on/​off) 2050-0206 $14.99 LIGHTED ROCKER SWITCHES • Lighted for better visibility • Water-resistant • Protective rubber boot • Works with all Rigid Industries wiring harnesses • Requires a 3/4” hole to mount 2050-0205 2050-0206 DESCRIPTION COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL Winch (double pole, double throw) - 0616-0331 $19.95 LED lightbar (single pole, single throw) - 0616-0328 12.95 Stereo (single pole, single throw) - 0616-0330 12.95 Whip light (single pole, single throw) - 0616-0329 12.95 On/​off switch Red 2106-0413 12.95 On/​off switch Blue 2106-0414 12.95 On/​off switch Green 2106-0483 12.95 Heater - 2106-0415 12.95 Roof light - 2106-0416 12.95 Zombie light - 2106-0417 12.95 On/​off lightbar switch Red 2106-0446 12.95 DESCRIPTION COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL On/​off whip switch Red 2106-0447 $12.95 On/​off stereo switch Red 2106-0448 12.95 On/​off heater switch Red 2106-0449 12.95 On/​off roof light switch Red 2106-0450 12.95 On/​off roof zombie light switch Red 2106-0451 12.95 Winch switch (double pole, double throw) Red 2106-0452 19.95 On/​off rock light switch Blue 2106-0453 12.95 On/​off rock light switch Red 2106-0454 12.95 Fan light Blue 2106-0455 12.95 Fan light Red 2106-0456 12.95 Turn signal - 2106-0476 19.95 Map light - 2106-0443 35.95 Horn Blue 2106-0481 13.95 DESCRIPTION COLOR PART # SUG. RETAIL Horn Red 2106-0482 $13.95 Intercom Blue 2106-0484 12.95 Intercom Red 2106-0485 12.95 Hi/​low headlight Blue 2106-0509 19.95 Hi/​low headlight Red 2106-0510 19.95 Helmet air Blue 2106-0536 12.95 Helmet air Red 2106-0537 12.95 Auxiliary Blue 2106-0538 12.95 Auxiliary Red 2106-0539 12.95 Bumper light bar Blue 2106-0550 12.95 Bumper light bar Red 2106-0551 12.95 Window Blue 2106-0573 29.95 Window Red 2106-0574 29.95 ROCKER SWITCHES • LED back light for night riding • Designed with offroad abuse in mind • Common size will fit most panels (can be flush-mounted in dash) • Grip button for ease of use while in rough terrain • Sold each 0616-0329 0616-0330 0616-0331 2106-0413 2106-0415 2106-0443 2106-0446 2106-0451 2106-0454 2106-0455 2106-0476 2106-0482 2106-0484 2106-0509 2106-0537 2106-0538 2106-0550 2106-0574 PART # SUG. RETAIL 2106-0443 $35.95 UTV MAP LIGHT • Map light for night driving • Common size will fit most panels (can be flush-mounted in dash) • Simple touch to turn on/​off and dimmable • Sold each PART # SUG. RETAIL 2106-0529 $9.95 SNAP-IN SWITCH ADAPTERS • Adapt Carling® style switch openings to 1.45” x 0.830” • For use on Polaris models with large switch openings • Sold in packs of three