BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 FUEL/AIR SYSTEMS PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM ATV/UTV | 2023 1065 DISCLAIMER: NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. SEE PAGES 4-5 FOR IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. MIKUNI RD BS30/96 PILOT JETS (BLEED TYPE) • Fit Kawasaki, Suzuki and Yamaha OEM BS CV carburetors • 14mm long • Sold to dealer as 4-pack, sold to consumer as each 3.5 mm VM28/486 GENUINE MIKUNI PILOT JETS • Fits Mikuni carburetors HS40, HSR42/45/48, RS34-RS40 and TM33,TM 36 and TM40 with accelerator pump • May fit other OE applications • Sold in a 4-pack • Made in Japan JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL 15 KVM2848615 $4.95 17.5 KVM28486175 4.95 20 KVM2848620 4.95 22.5 KVM28486225 4.95 25 KVM2848625 4.95 27.5 KVM28486275 4.95 30 KVM2848630 4.95 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL 35 KVM2848635 $4.95 40 KVM2848640 4.95 45 KVM2848645 4.95 50 KVM2848650 4.95 55 KVM2848655 4.95 60 KVM2848660 4.95 28 mm 2 mm 5 mm JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL 30 KBS309630 $4.95 32.5 KBS3096325 4.95 35 KBS309635 4.95 37.5 KBS3096375 4.95 40 KBS309640 4.95 42.5 KBS3096425 4.95 45 KBS309645 4.95 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL 47.5 KBS3096475 $4.95 50 KBS309650 4.95 52.5 KBS3096525 4.95 55 KBS309655 4.95 57.5 KBS3096575 4.95 60 KBS309660 4.95 BS30/96 GENUINE MIKUNI PILOT JETS • Fit OE applications that came with a (BS) CV Mikuni carburetor • Sold to dealer in 4-pack; sold to consumer as each • Made in Japan 14 mm 4 mm JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 10 1005-0013 $2.95 12.5 1005-0014 2.95 15 1005-0015 2.95 17.5 1005-0016 2.95 20 1005-0017 2.95 22.5 1005-0018 2.95 25 1005-0019 2.95 27.5 1005-0020 2.95 30 1005-0021 2.95 32.5 1005-0022 2.95 35 1005-0023 2.95 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 37.5 1005-0024 $2.95 40 1005-0025 2.95 42.5 1005-0026 2.95 45 1005-0027 2.95 47.5 1005-0028 2.95 50 1005-0029 2.95 52.5 1005-0030 2.95 55 1005-0031 2.95 57.5 1005-0032 2.95 60 1005-0033 2.95 65 1005-0034 2.95 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 70 1005-0035 $2.95 75 1005-0036 2.95 80 1005-0037 2.95 85 1005-0038 2.95 90 1005-0039 2.95 95 1005-0040 2.95 100 1005-0041 2.95 105 1005-0042 2.95 110 1005-0043 2.95 120 1005-0044 2.95 130 1005-0045 2.95 MIKUNI RD VM22/210 PILOT JETS • Fit all VM,TM and TMS/TMX carburetors • 13.5mm long • Sold to dealer in 4-pack, sold to consumer as each 15.5 mm 4.8 mm 3 mm JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 10 1005-0047 $3.25 12.5 1005-0048 3.25 15 1005-0049 3.25 17.5 1005-0050 3.25 20 1005-0051 3.25 22.5 1005-0052 3.25 25 1005-0053 3.25 27.5 1005-0054 3.25 30 1005-0055 3.25 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 32.5 1005-0056 $3.25 35 1005-0057 3.25 37.5 1005-0058 3.25 40 1005-0059 3.25 42.5 1005-0060 3.25 45 1005-0061 3.25 47.5 1005-0062 3.25 50 1005-0063 3.25 52.5 1005-0064 3.25 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 55 1005-0065 $3.25 57.5 1005-0066 3.25 60 1005-0067 3.25 62.5 1005-0068 3.25 65 1005-0069 3.25 67.5 1005-0070 3.25 70 1005-0071 3.25 A-BAX PILOT JETS FOR MIKUNI VM28/486 • Fit all RS, HS and HSR carburetors • 28.1mm long • Sold to dealer as 4-pack; sold to consumer as each 28.1 mm 5 mm 2 mm JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 30 1005-0097 $2.95 32.5 1005-0098 2.95 35 1005-0099 2.95 37.5 1005-0100 2.95 40 1005-0101 2.95 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 42.5 1005-0102 $2.95 45 1005-0103 2.95 47.5 1005-0104 2.95 50 1005-0105 2.95 52.5 1005-0106 2.95 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 55 1005-0107 $2.95 57.5 1005-0108 2.95 60 1005-0109 2.95 MIKUNI RD N151.067 PILOT JETS (NON-BLEED TYPE) • Fit late-model OEM BS CV carburetors • 14mm long • Sold to dealer as 4-pack, sold to consumer as each 14 mm 3.5 mm 4.8 mm JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL 30 1005-0110 $3.50 32.5 1005-0111 3.50 35 1005-0112 3.50 37.5 1005-0113 3.50 40 1005-0114 3.50 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL 42.5 1005-0115 $3.50 45 1005-0116 3.50 47.5 1005-0117 3.50 50 1005-0118 3.50 52.5 1005-0119 3.50 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL 55 1005-0120 $3.50 57.5 1005-0121 3.50 60 1005-0122 3.50 14 mm 4 mm 2.5 mm 5 mm 27.8 mm MIKUNI RD N224.103 PILOT JETS • Fit early-style TMS/TMX,TMX36,TMX38 and BSR CV carburetors • 27.8mm long • Sold to dealer as 4-pack, sold to consumer as each JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 10 1005-0072 $3.25 12.5 1005-0073 3.25 15 1005-0074 3.25 17.5 1005-0075 3.25 20 1005-0076 3.25 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 22.5 1005-0077 $3.25 25 1005-0078 3.25 27.5 1005-0079 3.25 30 1005-0080 3.25 32.5 1005-0081 3.25 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 35 1005-0082 $3.25 37.5 1005-0083 3.25 40 1005-0084 3.25 42.5 1005-0085 3.25 45 1005-0086 3.25 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 47.5 1005-0087 $3.25 50 1005-0088 3.25 52.5 1005-0089 3.25 55 1005-0090 3.25 57.5 1005-0091 3.25 JET SIZE PART # SUG. RETAIL (EA.) 60 1005-0092 $3.25 62.5 1005-0093 3.25 65 1005-0094 3.25 67.5 1005-0095 3.25 70 1005-0096 3.25