2023 Parts Unlimited ATV & UTV

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM 2023 | ATV/UTV FUEL/AIR SYSTEMS 1056 DISCLAIMER: NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. SEE PAGES 4-5 FOR IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. FITS MODEL PART # SUG. RETAIL ARCTIC CAT 50 2x4 08 1003‑0685 $52.95 50 DVX 06‑08 1003‑0684 51.95 50 Y‑6 06 1003‑0684 51.95 90 2‑Stroke 02‑04 1003‑1759 51.95 90 4‑Stroke 04‑05 1003‑1758 41.95 90 DVX 06‑18 1003‑0682 59.95 90 Utility 2x4 06‑13 1003‑0682 59.95 250 2x4 99‑01 1003‑1770 52.95 250 2x4 02‑05 1003‑0551 57.95 250 2x4 06‑07 1003‑0550 80.95 250 2x4 08‑09 1003‑0549 89.95 250 4x4 01 1003‑1770 52.95 250 4x4 02‑05 1003‑0551 57.95 250 DVX 06‑07 1003‑0550 80.95 250 DVX 08 1003‑0549 89.95 300 2x4 98‑00 1003‑0548 51.95 300 2x4 01‑04 1003‑0545 57.95 300 2x4 10‑16 1003‑0546 47.95 300 4x4 98‑00 1003‑0548 51.95 300 4x4 01‑05 1003‑0545 57.95 300 DVX 09‑15 1003‑0546 47.95 350 CR 12 1003‑0541 47.95 350 Utility 4x4 11 1003‑0541 47.95 366 FIS w/AT 08 1003‑1756 50.95 366 FIS w/AT 09‑10 1003‑1755 50.95 366 SE FIS w/AT 11 1003‑1755 50.95 FITS MODEL PART # SUG. RETAIL ARCTIC CAT (CONT) 375 2x4 w/AT 02 1003‑0543 $46.95 375 4x4 w/AT 02 1003‑0543 46.95 400 2x4 98 1003‑0683 56.95 400 2x4 99‑01 1003‑0547 50.95 400 4x4 98‑00 1003‑0547 50.95 400 4x4 14‑15 1003‑0541 47.95 400 4x4 w/AT 03‑04 1003‑0539 57.95 400 4x4 w/MT 01 1003‑0547 50.95 400 4x4 w/MT 02 1003‑0540 50.95 400 4x4 w/MT 03‑04 1003‑0539 57.95 400 DVX 04‑08 1003‑0542 62.95 400 FIS 2x4 w/AT 03 1003‑0539 57.95 400 FIS 2x4 w/AT 04 1003‑0536 50.95 400 FIS 2x4 w/MT 03 1003‑0539 57.95 400 FIS 2x4 w/MT 04 1003‑0536 50.95 400 FIS 4x4 TRV 06‑14 1003‑1754 51.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT 03 1003‑0539 57.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT 04‑05 1003‑0536 50.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT 06‑07 1003‑0537 50.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT 08 1003‑0538 56.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT 13‑14 1003‑0541 47.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/AT LTD 07 1003‑0537 50.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/MT 02 1003‑0540 50.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/MT 03 1003‑0539 57.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/MT 04‑05 1003‑0536 50.95 400 FIS 4x4 w/MT 06‑07 1003‑0537 50.95 FITS MODEL PART # SUG. RETAIL ARCTIC CAT (CONT) 400 FIS 4x4 w/MT 08 1003‑0538 $56.95 400 TBX 4x4 04‑05 1003‑0536 50.95 400 TBX 4x4 06 1003‑0537 50.95 400 VP 4x4 w/AT 05‑06 1003‑0536 50.95 400 VP 4x4 w/MT 05‑06 1003‑0536 50.95 Alterra 400 16‑17 1003‑0541 47.95 454 2x4 97‑98 1003‑0681 53.95 454 4x4 96‑98 1003‑0681 53.95 500 4x4 98‑99 1003‑0681 53.95 500 4x4 w/AT 00‑02 1003‑0535 50.95 500 4x4 w/MT 01 1003‑0535 50.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/AT 02 1003‑0535 50.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/AT 03 1003‑0534 50.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/AT 04 1003‑0533 51.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/AT 05‑07 1003‑0531 57.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/AT 08‑09 1003‑0532 51.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/MT 02 1003‑0535 50.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/MT 03 1003‑0534 50.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/MT 04 1003‑0533 51.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/MT 05‑07 1003‑0531 57.95 500 FIS 4x4 w/MT 08‑09 1003‑0532 51.95 500 FIS TBX 4x4 02 1003‑0535 50.95 500 FIS TBX 4x4 03 1003‑0534 50.95 500 FIS TBX 4x4 04 1003‑0533 51.95 500 FIS TBX 4x4 05‑06 1003‑0531 57.95 500 FIS TRV 4x4 03 1003‑0534 50.95 CARBURETOR REPAIR KITS • Kits include all of the necessary components to repair a carburetor • Kits include all O-rings, gaskets, jets, needle,mixture screw, float bowl screws, float valve needle and seat (needle jet and other pressed-in jets are not included in kit) • OEM jet sizes are included in the kit (KTM kits do not include jets or slide needle; standard jetting sizes are not provided by the factory) • NBR rubber material is used on all O-rings and rubber gaskets; NBR has excellent resistance to the ethanol used in today’s fuels • Applications that use paper float bowl gaskets are upgraded to High Performance Interface Gasket material • Components included in the kits are based off of US models and discretion must be used when attempting to install the kit on a non-US model 1003‑0516 1003‑0525 1003‑0550 1003‑0556 1003‑0569 1003‑0598