2023 Parts Unlimited ATV & UTV

BOLD MAGENTA part numbers are new for 2023 FUEL/AIR SYSTEMS PARTS-UNLIMITED.COM ATV/UTV | 2023 1053 DISCLAIMER: NOT LEGAL FOR SALE OR USE IN CALIFORNIA ON ANY POLLUTION CONTROLLED MOTOR VEHICLES. SEE PAGES 4-5 FOR IMPORTANT EPA/CARB EMISSION DEFINITIONS AND REGULATORY COMPLIANCE AND NOTICE REGARDING NOISE REGULATIONS. FITS MODEL CARB TO ENGINE AIRBOX TO CARB CAN-AM Outlander 400 08-14 1050-0465 - Outlander 500 07-14 1050-0465 - Renegade 500 08-14 1050-0465 - Outlander 570 16-21 1050-0465 - Renegade 570 16-21 1050-0465 - Outlander 650 06-20 1050-0465 - Outlander 800 06-14 1050-0465 - Renegade 800 07-14 1050-0465 - Renegade 1000 12-14 1050-0465 - POLARIS Magnum 325 00-02 1050-0402 1050-0457 Trail Boss 325 00-02 1050-0402 1050-0457 Xpedition 325 00-02 1050-0402 - ATP 330 04-05 1050-0402 1050-0457 Magnum 330 03-06 1050-0402 1050-0457 Trail Blazer 330 08-13 1050-0402 1050-0457 Trail Boss 330 03-13 1050-0402 1050-0457 Sportsman 335 99-00 1050-0401 1050-0458 FITS MODEL CARB TO ENGINE AIRBOX TO CARB POLARIS (CONT) Worker 335/​500 99 1050-0401 1050-0458 Hawkeye 400 11-14 1050-0401 - Sportsman 400 01-05 1050-0401 1050-0458 Sportsman 400 HO 11-14 1050-0401 - Magnum 425 95-98 1050-0401 - Sportsman 450 06-07 1050-0401 - Diesel 99-01 1050-0401 - ATP 500 04-05 1050-0400 - Big Boss 500 6x6 98-99 1050-0401 - Magnum 500 99-02 1050-0401 - Ranger 500 Carb 99-09 1050-0401 - Scrambler 500 97 1050-0401 - Scrambler 500 98-12 1050-0400 1050-0458 Sportsman 500 96-00 1050-0401 - Sportsman 500 6x6 00-08 1050-0401 - Sportsman 500 HO (includes Touring) 01-13 1050-0400 1050-04581 - 1050-04592 FITS MODEL CARB TO ENGINE AIRBOX TO CARB POLARIS (CONT) Worker 500 01 1050-0400 1050-0458 Xplorer 500 97 1050-0401 1050-0458 Sportsman 570 14-20 1050-0407 - Sportsman 600 03-05 1050-0403 - Sportsman 700 Carb 02-06 1050-0403 - Ranger 800 10 1050-0396 - Ranger 800 11-14 1050-0397 - RZR 800 (all) 08-10 1050-0396 - RZR 800 (all) 12-14 1050-0397 - Sportsman 800 (all) 05-14 1050-0396 - Ace 900 16-19 1050-0406 - Ranger 900 XP 13-19 1050-0406 - RZR 900 11-19 1050-0406 - Ranger 1000 XP 17-20 1050-0406 - RZR 1000 XP 14-20 1050-0408 - RZR RS1 18-20 1050-0408 - 1 For 01 models. 2 For 06-13 models. INTAKE BOOTS • Direct replacement • Constructed of rubber and aluminum • Integrated rubber seal • Laser-etched Quad Logic logo PART # SUG. RETAIL 1050-0396 $35.95 1050-0397 41.95 1050-0400 35.95 1050-0401 35.95 1050-0402 35.95 PART # SUG. RETAIL 1050-0403 $41.95 1050-0406 29.95 1050-0407 34.95 1050-0408 29.95 PART # SUG. RETAIL 1050-0457 $15.95 1050-0458 15.95 1050-0459 47.95 1050-0465 16.95 PART # SUG. RETAIL 1050-0283 $96.69 34MM CARBURETOR INTAKE FLANGE KIT FOR YAMAHA BANSHEE 87-06 • Race fuel compatible • Ethanol and oil resistant • Required to install larger carburetors FITS MODEL PART # SUG. RETAIL YAMAHA 350 Big Bear 87-99 1050-0393 $70.19 350 Warrior 87-04 1050-0282 40.44 350 Wolverine 95 1050-0282 40.44 FITS MODEL PART # SUG. RETAIL YAMAHA (CONT) 350 YFM 87-95 1050-0393 $70.19 400 Kodiak 93-99 1050-0393 70.19 INTAKE BOOTS • Highest quality rubber polymer • Ethanol resistant • Competitively priced OEM replacement 1050-0282 PART # SUG. RETAIL 1010-2389 $299.95 INTAKE KIT WITH R2C AIR FILTER FOR POLARIS RZR XP 900 11-14 • Increases horsepower and torque • TIG welded aluminum • Dyno tested • Fuel controller required • Regular Short Neck mounts in bed of UTV PART # SUG. RETAIL 1050-0284 $32.87 34MM CARBURETOR BOOTS FOR YAMAHA BANSHEE 87-06 • Race fuel compatible • Ethanol and oil resistant • Required to install larger carburetors • Sold in pairs 1050-0402 1050-0397